How Can MSPs Use AI In Their Marketing …

The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) recently wrote an interesting article about AI in marketing, which is summarised here for the benefit of MSP owners. Here are the key points: AI in Marketing: AI is transforming the world of marketing, digital experience, and advertising. Large brands like Coca-Cola are using AI to create campaigns, and…

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NPS : Essential Insights For MSPs

he Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a widely recognized tool used by businesses to gauge customer loyalty and predict growth. It’s a simple metric, based on one question: “On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our company/product/service to a friend or colleague?” Respondents are categorized as Promoters (9-10), Passives (7-8), or…

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Maintaining KPIs For a Healthy MSP

Successfully operating a Managed Service Provider business requires keen attention to detail. Amid the bustle of daily tasks, from addressing client requests to charting new projects, financial performance can easily get sidetracked. To stay on top of business efficiency, implementation of key performance indicators (KPIs) is paramount. These KPIs compile various operational and financial metrics,…

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Thought About Apprentices For Your MSP?

In the rapidly evolving world of IT and digital services, finding skilled and dedicated employees is a constant challenge. For MSPs in the UK, one solution to this challenge lies in apprenticeships. Hiring apprentices can bring numerous benefits to your MSP, particularly in a market where skilled work is in short supply. Adaptable Workforce Apprenticeships…

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Best Practices for MSPs in Talent Recruitment

As a Managed Service Provider, the success of your operations largely depends on the skills and expertise of your team. Therefore, hiring the right talent is crucial for your long-term growth and success. Here are some best practices and key points for MSP owners to consider when recruiting talent: Clearly Define Roles and Responsibilities: It’s…

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The Power of Cyber Insurance For MSP Growth

In the hyperconnected digital landscape, security threats are an ever-present concern for businesses of all sizes. MSPs are increasingly being called upon to not only manage and optimise their clients’ IT systems but also to fortify them against an expanding range of cyber threats. A unique way MSPs can elevate their competitive advantage in this…

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Calming Clients’ Confusion

Managed Service Providers (MSPs) play a vital role in the IT ecosystem by streamlining operations and managing complexities for their clients. One area where MSPs significantly add value is in vendor management, which can often be a daunting task for businesses. Vendor Diversity A myriad of IT services and products are required to run a…

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MSPs: Competitive Advantage

Leverage Distributor Relationships… Managed Service Providers are increasingly turning to cloud distributors as strategic partners to create competitive advantages in the rapidly evolving IT marketplace. A cloud distributor is more than just a transactional intermediary; it can be a valuable ally for MSPs, offering unique advantages that can help MSPs stand out from the crowd.…

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Cyber Insurance Costs HOW MUCH ???

Five crucial reasons a cyber insurance policy justifies the financial outlay: 1 – Cyber risk is a business’s most significant liability.In our digital era, businesses are dependent on digital assets instead of physical ones, making them susceptible to cyber threats, often ranking as the top risk for most companies. Given the frequency of cyber events…

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M&A Outlook

Opportunities and Challenges for Managed Service Providers in 2023 Despite facing a series of geopolitical disturbances, the global mergers and acquisitions (M&A) landscape is expected to remain resilient in Q2 2023, according to Intralinks’ Deal Flow Predictor. Specifically, M&A activity is forecasted to be steady compared to Q1 2023 and show considerable growth when contrasted to Q2…

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