Promising Lithium Breakthrough For EV Market

Stanford researchers have discovered a simple way to boost the range of lithium metal batteries to twice the range of conventional lithium-ion batteries which could provide a massive boost to the EV market.  Lithium-Ion Batteries  Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are currently used in a wide array of electronic devices, including smartphones, laptops, tablets, power tools,…

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Your MSP’s Video Background Influences Your Clients

Business interaction by video calls such as webinars and online meetings and interviews and support-calls has skyrocketed in recent years, in no small part due to the pandemic. This has fundamentally shifted how society expects to interact with a business and, in addition, it has also set up a new set of challenges to be…

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AI Can Learn To Be Bad. And Stay Bad.

In a recent experiment where AI was taught to behave maliciously and then taught to stop, the bad behaviour continued despite efforts to stop it, giving a chilling reminder of the potential threats of AI.  The Experiment  The Cornell University experiment was documented in an online paper entitled “Sleeper Agents: Training Deceptive LLMS That Persist Through…

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How Fair And Effective Are AI Recruitment Platforms?

With more companies using AI to screen CVs and candidates’ body language during interviews, we look at what this could mean for today’s job applicants.  Widely Used  IBM research from November last year shows that 4 out of 10 companies now use AI to improve recruiting and human resources. Also, in June last year, IBM…

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Google Maps Gets AI Boost

Google has announced that it is trying out generative AI within Google Maps as a way for users to discover new places based on their questions.  How?  What Google means is that if users, for example, are visiting a town or city, they can simply tell Google Maps what they’re looking for and AI will…

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UK Cars Now Using Rear HD-Screens Instead of Windows

The new Swedish-made Polestar 4 will be the first car on UK roads to replace a rear window (and traditional rear-view mirror) with a high-definition screen showing a real-time roof-mounted camera feed.  Two Digital Cameras With Feed Displayed In ‘Mirror’  In fact, instead of a traditional rearview mirror, the Polestar 4 has a high-resolution rear-view…

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Apple Launches $3,500 Pro Vision VR Headset

Apple has launched its $3,500 (starting price) Pro Vision Virtual Reality (VR) headset in the US with Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook, appearing at its Fifth Avenue New York store to mark the significance of the occasion.  Continue reading … …Free MSP Standard Access Required Thank you for reading MSP Marketplace Create your FREE account or…

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First 3D Metal Printer in Space

With the world’s first metal 3D printer being sent to the International Space Station (ISS), we look at what impact being able to print metal parts in space could have on space-travel plus potential environmental considerations and more.  3D Metal Printer  Although the ISS already has several plastic 3D printers on board, the new Airbus-produced…

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