Facebook In Authentication Spamming Row

Facebook is facing criticism for allegedly using sign-ups to 2 factor authentication as an opportunity to send spam SMS notifications. What 2FA? Facebook has been allowing users to sign up for SMS-based two-factor authentication to mitigate the risk of phishing attempts and to help protect people from having their accounts compromised. Spam Too Unfortunately, in…

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UK Most Targeted Region For Cyber Threats

The Malwarebytes annual State of Malware report has revealed that the UK is now the most targeted region in the world for cyber threats. Big Rises The UK has been elevated to the unenviable position at the top of the targets table after a huge 165% increase in UK bound ransomware was recorded, and after…

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Amazon Announces SMS Messaging Via Alexa

Amazon has announced that it is introducing a service that will allow users of Alexa devices to send text messages to any contact via the digital assistant using just their voice. Builds Upon Alexa Calling The new service builds upon the Alexa Calling service introduced last year, which allowed owners of the Echo Dot to…

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