What’s In The New iOS 17 iPhone Update?

With the recent release of the latest update of Apple’s iPhone software, iOS 17, we look at many of the useful new features and their benefits.  Continue reading … …Free MSP Standard Access Required Thank you for reading MSP Marketplace Create your FREE account or login to continue reading Login Username or E-mail Password Remember…

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TikTok Trend : AI-Enhanced Profile Photos For LinkedIn Job Seekers

It’s been reported that a TikTok video has started a trend of people using AI to enhance their appearance in their LinkedIn profile photos with a view to improving their chance of getting a job via the platform.  Continue reading … …Free MSP Standard Access Required Thank you for reading MSP Marketplace Create your FREE…

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AI Energy Usage As Much As The Netherlands

A study by a PhD candidate at the VU Amsterdam School of Business and Economics, Alex De Vries, warns that the AI industry could be consuming as much energy as a country the size of the Netherlands by 2027.  Continue reading … …Free MSP Standard Access Required Thank you for reading MSP Marketplace Create your…

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“A Thousand Songs In Your Pocket”

Around this time 22 years ago on October 23 2001, Steve Jobs promised to give people “A Thousand Songs In Their Pocket”. His timing couldn’t have been better because at the time, Apple was primarily known for its computers and was struggling financially. Continue reading … …Free MSP Standard Access Required Thank you for reading…

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Microsoft’s Green Concrete In Data Centres

As part of its commitment to be carbon negative by 2030, Microsoft is trialling cement containing microalgae-based limestone in its data centre builds.  Continue reading … …Free MSP Standard Access Required Thank you for reading MSP Marketplace Create your FREE account or login to continue reading Login Username or E-mail Password Remember Me    …

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October 1980 : Halloween, Early AI & Ghosts …

AI isn’t something that’s just emerged in the last couple of years. Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde had distinct personalities and if these names sound familiar it’s because they were the four ghosts that chased Pac-Man around his maze, each with different styles of trying to catch him, a kind of ‘AI’. Continue reading ……

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1 Second Lost in 300 Billion Years

Researchers at European XFEL X-ray laser have reported creating an atomic clock with such a precise pulse generator that it has an accuracy of only 1 second lost in in 300 billion years!  Continue reading … …Free MSP Standard Access Required Thank you for reading MSP Marketplace Create your FREE account or login to continue…

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iPhone 15 Overheating Problems

Following complaints from customers about an overheating issue with the Apple iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max, Apple is reported to have issued a statement explaining the causes, with a promise that it’ll be fixed with an update.  Continue reading … …Free MSP Standard Access Required Thank you for reading MSP Marketplace Create…

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No Email Backup For Microsoft 365?

In this insight, we look at what many users think to be a surprising fact in that Microsoft 365 doesn’t provide a traditional email backup solution, and we look at what businesses can do about this.  Continue reading … …Free MSP Standard Access Required Thank you for reading MSP Marketplace Create your FREE account or…

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Safety Considerations Around ChatGPT Image Uploads

With one of ChatGPT’s latest features being the ability to upload images to help get answers to queries, here we look at why there have been security concerns about releasing the feature.  Continue reading … …Free MSP Standard Access Required Thank you for reading MSP Marketplace Create your FREE account or login to continue reading…

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