What ‘Fundamental Attribution Error’ Means For MSPs

Y Combinator

Let’s delve into a psychological concept known as the ‘Fundamental Attribution Error’. This term was introduced in the 1970s by social psychologist Lee Ross. It describes a pervasive bias where we tend to explain someone’s behaviour based on their personality traits, overlooking the role of situational influences. To illustrate this, if someone cuts you off…

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What MSPs Should Know About the Dunning Kruger Effect.

Featured Article : Tech Recession?

There’s a psychological phenomenon known as the ‘Dunning-Kruger Effect’. This cognitive bias (discovered by social psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger at Cornell University in 1999) is a paradox where people with low ability at a task overestimate their ability, while experts tend to underestimate theirs. That’s not to say this effect comes as a…

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Consider All The Atoms In 10 Million Galaxies

Tech Trivia : Did You Know? This Week in History ...

At midnight on June 18th, 1997, the DESCHALL Project bore fruit. The challenge had been to use ‘Brute Force’ to discover the meaning of a message which had been encrypted. Going through up to seven billion possibilities per second, the key was cracked after 96 days by thousands of computers running simultaneously. The message was…

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The Impact of Generative AI On Datacentres

Tech Insight : The Impact of Generative AI On Datacentres

Generative AI tools like ChatGPT plus the rapid and revolutionary growth of AI are changing the face of most industries and generating dire warnings about the future, but what about the effects on datacentres?  Data Centres And Their Importance  Data centres are the specialised facilities that house a large number of computer servers and networking…

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Reddit’s ‘Blackout’ User Protest 

Featured Article: Reddit’s ‘Blackout’ User Protest

Following thousands of moderators making their subreddit communities private for 48 hours as a protest, we look at the reasons why, together with the implications for Reddit, its users, and other stakeholders.  What Is Reddit?  Reddit is a social media platform where users can join communities called ‘subreddits’ to share content, participate in discussions, and…

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UK Will Host World’s First AI Summit 

Tech News : UK Will Host World’s First AI Summit

During his recent visit to Washington in the US, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced that the UK will hosts the world’s first global summit on artificial intelligence (AI) later this year.  Focus On AI Safety  The UK government says this first major global summit on AI safety will bring together key countries, leading tech…

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EU Wants AI-Generated Content Labelled

Tech News : EU Wants AI-Generated Content Labelled

In a recent press conference, the European Union said that to help tackle disinformation, it wants the major online platforms to label AI generated content.  The Challenge – AI Can Be Used To Generate And Spread Disinformation  In the press conference, Vĕra Jourová (the vice-president in charge of values and transparency with the European Commission)…

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Harnessing The Zeigarnik Effect For Managed Service Providers

Why Use Outsourced IT Support?

The Zeigarnik Effect is a psychological principle stating that people remember unfinished or interrupted tasks better than completed ones. This effect is named after its discoverer and you’ll find out more about that story in just a moment. For managed service providers (MSPs), understanding and applying the Zeigarnik Effect can bring significant benefits to their…

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Are Drone Wars Getting Closer?

Tech Insight: Are Drone Wars Getting Closer?

With the UK, US, and Australian military trialling the use of ‘AI drone swarms’ that can overwhelm enemy defences, we look at whether drone wars could soon become a reality.  UK Drone Swarm Trial  The first UK military trial of an artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled drone swarm in collaboration with the US and Australia is reported…

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Police Facial Recognition – The Latest

Featured Article : Police Facial Recognition - The Latest

With the Metropolitan Police Services’ (MPS) director of intelligence recently defending and pushing for a wider rollout of facial recognition technology, we look the current situation, the likely way forward, and its implications.  What Is Facial Recognition Technology?  The kind of facial recognition technology called Live Facial Recognition (LFR) that police have used at special…

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