Tech Trivia ...

Tech Trivia : Did You Know? This Week in History ...

Computers Before Keyboards

Computing was a lot more challenging before July 4th 1956 because that’s when MIT revolutionised their Whirlwind…

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Did You Know? This Week in History

Wireless World

Next week on June 28th 1965, ‘Early Bird’ (Intelsat I) was activated. It wasn’t just another satellite; it…

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QWERTY Keyboards

QWERTY Keyboards. Mightier Than The Gun?

In a world where typing has long outstripped writing, few people know the story of how the…

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Tech Trivia : Did You Know? This Week in History ...

Consider All The Atoms In 10 Million Galaxies

At midnight on June 18th, 1997, the DESCHALL Project bore fruit. The challenge had been to use…

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Would E.T. Be Better Off With Zoom?

In the iconic movie E.T (1982), a memorable scene shows the alien rigging up a child’s toy…

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Tech-Trivia : Did You Know? This Week in History ...

Getting Off The Ground Isn’t Always Easy!

Chuck Yeager (famous for being the first to break the sound barrier) mentioned in his excellent autobiography…

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