Two Key Cyber Security Insights

With phishing attacks being favoured for their effectiveness by attackers and most ransomware attacks now targeting backup storage, we look at what businesses can do to protect themselves.
Spear Phishing Accounted For Two-Thirds Of All Attacks Last Year
A recent report from security provider Barracuda has revealed that although spear phishing attacks make up just 0.1 per cent of all email-based attacks in 2023, they were responsible for two-thirds of all breaches. The report showed that a massive 50 per cent of the 1,350 organisations surveyed had fallen victim to a spear-phishing attack in 2022, a quarter had had at least one email account compromised via an account takeover. The report also showed that of those who fell victim to a successful spear phishing attack, 55 per cent had machines infected with malware or viruses, and 49 per cent and 48 per cent respectively had sensitive data or login details stolen.
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