Security ...
UK Government Demands Apple Reveal Your Data
The UK government has reportedly ordered Apple to grant it access to encrypted data stored in iCloud…
UK’s New Cyber Severity Scale
The UK’s Cyber Monitoring Centre (CMC) has now started categorising cyber events using a scale designed to…
UK Employers Ramp Up Workplace Surveillance
Workplace surveillance is becoming an inescapable reality for employees across the UK, with new research showing that…
GoDaddy Complaint Over Years of Poor Cybersecurity
The US International Trade Commission (ITC) has issued a scathing complaint against web-hosting giant GoDaddy, accusing the…
Google’s ‘Shielded Email’ Privacy Feature
It’s been reported that Google is developing ‘Shielded Email’, a feature that creates temporary email aliases to…
Malware That Exploits Facebook Ads
In this insight, in reviewing how a malvertising campaign is hijacking Facebook accounts to spread the SYS01stealer malware,…
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