First Video Call via Satellite in No-Signal Zone

Vodafone has successfully conducted the world’s first satellite-enabled video call using a standard 4G/5G smartphone from a location devoid of terrestrial mobile coverage.
The Call
Vodafone has reported that recently (the exact date has not been specified), an engineer from the company, Rowan Chesmer, initiated a video call from a remote mountainous area in mid-Wales, which is a region historically lacking mobile broadband access, i.e. it has ‘not spots’. Using a standard Android smartphone, Chesmer connected directly to a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite operated by AST SpaceMobile, a partner of Vodafone. The call was received by Vodafone Group Chief Executive Margherita Della Valle at the company’s UK headquarters in Newbury, Berkshire. This event was further distinguished by the presence of British astronaut Tim Peake, who joined Della Valle to commemorate the achievement.
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